Drunkard Beaten to Death for Falling into Mourners’ Food at a Vigil

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The Police in Kayunga district are investigating circumstances under which a drunkard man was beaten to death for allegedly falling into mourners’ food during a vigil at night. Hellen Butoto, the Ssezibwa Region Police Spokesperson has identified the deceased as John Lukanga, a resident of Kyampisi village in Nazigo sub-county, Kayunga District.

Butoto says, at night during a vigil at Kanyogoga village in Kangulumira sub-county, on September 1, 2023, Lukanga was severely beaten by yet unidentified people for having fallen into the saucepans in which they were preparing food for the mourners.

“It is alleged that the deceased was very drunk and had turned into a nuisance, hence prompting the group of mourners to assault him severely. Lukanga’s body had fresh blood in the face and he had been hit with a blunt object on the left side of the head,” she said.

It is alleged that Lukanga was rescued by two of his relatives, Walugembe and Sam with whom they had gone to the vigil but they just took him to his home instead of taking him to the hospital for treatment.

Lukanga was found by his sister, Nakate while lying down facing the ground and when he tried to wake him up to eat food, he was not responding, hence calling their mother who discovered that he was already dead. they allagedly informed the village leadership that also called and informed police.

Butoto says that Lukanga’s body was taken to Kayunga Hospital Mortuary for post-mortem as the inquiries into the matter are underway.

By press time, the Ssezibwa Region Police’s mouthpiece said they had not yet made any arrest, nor had they recovered any killer weapon in connection to Lukanga’s murder.

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