Police Investigate Pr. Bugingo’s Attempted Murder, Killing of his Bodyguard

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The Old Kampala Police are currently conducting a comprehensive investigation into a tragic incident involving the attempted murder of Pastor Aloysius Bugingo of the House of Prayer Ministries and the unfortunate killing of his bodyguard.

Luke Owoyesigyire, the deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson has identified the deceased as Richard Muhumuza who succumbed to the gunshots.

Pastor Bugingo (right) and Richard Muhumuza (left) at a certain function before the armed attack that left the driver dead.

Owoyesigyire says that at approximately 9:00PM on January 2, 2024, unidentified assailants opened gun fire on Pastor Bugingo’s vehicle, registered as PRAIZ GOD, along Namungoona, Zone 2, Kasubi Rubaga Division in Kampala at Bwalakata Junction along National Housing Road.

He affirms that after fulfilling their mission, the assailants escaped from the scene on a motorcycle.

Richard Muwumuza, the deceased.

“Despite sustaining injuries during the attack, Pastor Aloysius Bugingo managed to transport the vehicle which had his injured bodyguard to Mulago Hospital. Regrettably, his bodyguard, Muhumuza Richard had already succumbed to the assault and was confirmed dead upon arrival at the hospital,” Owoyesigyire said in a press statement.

According to Police, Pastor Bugingo is undergoing medical treatment and is under close monitoring.

Police say that upon an immediate response to the incident, the police discovered that the scene had been tampered with.

“Statements from eyewitnesses have been diligently recorded and the deceased’s body has been conveyed to the City Mortuary at Mulago for a thorough post-mortem examination,” Owoyesigyire says adding;

“In our active pursuit of justice, we are thoroughly reviewing CCTV footage to identify the assailants. Updates will be provided as additional information becomes available.”

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