President Museveni Recalls Byakagaba from Retirement to Serve as New IGP

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President Yoweri Museveni has recalled former Assistant Inspector General of Police Abbas Byakagaba from retirement to serve as the new Inspector General of Police.

President Museveni has also appointed James Ochaya as the Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP), replacing Maj Gen Geoffrey Katsigazi.

Byakagaba replaces Martin Okoth Ochola who retired in February this year.

Byakagaba and Ochaya’s names have been forwarded to the Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, who will soon convene the Appointment Committee of Parliament to vet them.

Byakagaba has served in various capacities within the Uganda Police Force, including as the Director of Operations and the Regional Police Commander.

He previously served as Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) and Director of Counter Terrorism (2020 2024).

He has held other positions which include; Commandant of Senior Staff College Bwebajja (2018 2020); and Director of Human Resource Development (2015 2018).

The post President Museveni Recalls Byakagaba from Retirement to Serve as New IGP appeared first on Kyaggwe TV.

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