One Arrested for Distributing Pornographic Materials 

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Police have arrested a one Nsubuga Denis on allegations of Cyber stalking and distributing pornographic materials.

Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police sportsperson said that Nsubuga got an old nude video of an unidentified person and started circulating it purporting that it was for one Doreen Nalunga aka Milk bae.

“Nsubuga circulated the said video on various social media platforms. Nalunga reported the case to CPS Kampala, and police immediately began investigating the matter,” he said.

Onyango added that Police traced for Nsubuga and arrested him. The suspect is currently detained at CPS Kampala.

“Police has recorded statements from the complainant and relevant witnesses. Witnesses have confirmed to Police that the videos that Nsubuga circulated, are not for Nalunga but for some other person who is not yet identified,” Onyango confirmed.

Police appealed to the members of the public to be careful on what they post on social media and that they should cross check any information before posting otherwise the law will catch up with you.

The post One Arrested for Distributing Pornographic Materials  appeared first on Kyaggwe TV.

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