Kitalo! Coach Fred Kajoba Afudde

Ekikangabwa kigudde mu bannabyamizannyo bwe bafunye amawulire g’okufa kw’omutendesi w’omupiira, Fred Kajoba. Omu ku bannabyamizannyo, Hajji Hassan Badru Zziwa y’afulumizza amawulire g’okubika kkooki Kajoba. Kajoba yaliko omutendisi w’abakwasi ba ggoolo ku ttiimu y’eggwanga eya Uganda Cranes. Omwoyo gw’omugenzi Katonda aguwe ekiwummulo eky’emirembe. The post Kitalo! Coach Fred Kajoba Afudde appeared first on Kyaggwe TV.

Eight Killed by Landslides in Western Uganda

At least eight people have been killed by landslides triggered by torrential rains in Uganda’s border district of Kasese on Thursday, a government official said on Friday. Joe Walusimbi, the Resident District Commissioner for Kasese, told Xinhua by telephone that landslides swept several areas in Kyarumba and Kyondo sub-counties, leaving eight people dead. “We are […]

President Museveni, First Lady Enumerated in the National Census Exercise

As the National Population and Housing Census 2024 kicked off, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the First Lady, Maama Janet Museveni spared time to answer Census questions on their household before they were counted. The Executive Director / National Census Commissioner, Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Dr. Chris Ndatira Mukiza oversaw the enumeration exercise this afternoon at […]

Ababadde Bagenda Okubala Abantu Bagudde ku Kabenje-Omu Amenyese Okugulu

BYA TONNY EVANS NGABO Abantu babiri be bapooca n’ebiwundu oluvannyuma lw’okugwa ku kabenje bwe baabadde bakedde okugenda mu bifo gye baagabiddwa okukolera. Bino byabaddewo mu kiro ekyakeesezza ku Lwokutaano, ekyatuumiddwa Census Night. Kyategeerekese nga bano baatomeddwa mmotoka ekika kya Canter etaategeerekese nnamba  bwe yayambalaganye ne lukululana  okukakana nga ebalubye ku mabbali g’ekubo gye baabadde batambulira […]

Maneja wa loogi akwatiddwa lwa kulemesa babala bantu-IPAD bbiri zibbiddwa

Ab’eby’okwerinda mu disitulikiti y’e Mukono nga nga bakulembeddwa RDC Hajjat Fatuma Ndisaba Nabitaka nga bali wamu n’abakola ku gw’okubala abantu mu disitulikiti ne munisipaali y’e Mukono baliko maneja wa loogi emu gwe bakutte n’atwalibwa ku poliisi e Mukono n’aggalirwa ng’avunaanibwa kulemesa nteekateeka ya kubala bantu mu kifo kino. Peace Namakula maneja wa Gofret Motel e […]

UBOS to Mount Road-blocks on all Highways during Census Night

Uganda’s 2024 National Housing and Population Census kicks off in a few hours’ time, and starting midnight, roadblocks will be staged on highways where individuals in transit will be counted. They will categorize as the ‘floating population’. Chris Mukiza, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics-UBOS Executive Director said that with the support of security agencies, roadblocks will […]

Enumerator Arrested Over Loss of Census Tablet

Police in Luweero district have arrested an enumerator over the theft of a tablet ahead of a census exercise on Thursday. Uganda Bureau of Statistics has deployed 1,532 enumerators and 192 supervisors in Luweero district for the National Population Census scheduled to start on Thursday, May 10, 2024. Each enumerator has been given tablets to record […]