Dr Kirabo asibiddwa emyaka 30 lwa kutta muganziwe

“Kirabo ddokita era mu kiseera ng’awoza ava waka, yasoma n’amala, aliko obulamu bw’abantu bangi bwe yataasa. Ku myaka emito 32 gyokka gy’alina, eggwanga limulinamu nnyo essuubi naddala nga bwe kimanyiddwa nti eggwanga lirina ebbula lya baddokita nga ye. Nsaba kkooti ensonga eyo egitunulemu emuwe ekibonerezo ekisaamusaamu,” Kunya munnamateeka wa Kirabo bwe yategeezezza kkooti. Dr Mathew […]

Dr Mathew Kirabo who was in Absentia Convicted of Killing Girlfriend Desire Mirembe Arrested 

Security forces have arrested Dr. Mathew Kirabo who was in absentia convicted of killing her girlfriend Desire Mirembe. Confirmed sources have revealed that Kirabo has been arrested from Kenya where he has been hiding for some time since 2021. In May 2022, the High Court Judge, Henry Kaweesa Isabirye in Kirabo’s absentia convicted him of […]