Two Policemen Held for Robbing Rwandan Businessman at Gunpoint

Two police constables at Katuna border police station in Kabale district are in trouble for allegedly robbing a Rwandan businessman at gunpoint.  The suspects are police constables Gracious Tusiime (25) and Zechariah  Ekiyankundire (26). They are accused of robbing Thomas Habanabakize (38), a Rwandan national and resident of Rwambu village, Gicumbi district, Northern province in Rwanda on […]

Fighting Erupts in DR Congo as EAC Troops Start Departing

Fighting between March 23 Movement (M23) rebels and Armed Forces of Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) soldiers is raging in Masisi territory has started hours after the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF) started to withdraw from North Kivu province. On Sunday, the first batch of Kenyan troops in North Kivu exited. About 300 troops boarded […]

President Orders Deportation of 18 Chinese Investors over Mistreatment of Workers

The President of Rwanda, General Paul Kagame has ordered for immediate deportation of 18 Chinese nationals. “The 18 investors were found guilty of mistreating Rwandan workers and grubbing land on which they operated their business,” President Kagame said.    Chinese investors exploited Rwandan people and also took advantage of them by making them work abnormal hours […]