Five COVID 19 Patients Admitted at Kabale Regional Hospital

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Patients, their attendants and health workers at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital are panicking following the confirmation of five COVID 19 positive cases that are currently admitted and isolated at the facility.

Dr. Anne Namutebi, a physician at the hospital has confirmed that since the last week of December 2023 up to January 2024, they have registered eight cases of COVID 19.

Dr. Namutebi said that three of these COVID patients were minor whereas the five are severe who are admitted at the hospital.

“We are however optimistic that the cases are more than that as very many people are currently having flu and cough though very few turn up to the health facilities for check-up,” she said, adding;

“The five cases are isolated at the medical ward, where they are getting treatment from. In case the situation goes out of hand as the number increases, we have already prepared a bigger isolation ward.”

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Dr. Namutebi has attributed these cases to some members of the community who were not vaccinated and others who did not receive all the recommended doses.

She has called upon the public especially in the Kigezi region to revisit the standard operating procedures (SOPS) and go for the booster doses in order to reduce the rate of the resurgence.

As of November 2023, 72% of people worldwide had received at least one dose of a covid-19 vaccine, with 13.6 billion doses administered around the world preventing severe illness and hospitalisations for millions of people.



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