Woman Abandons Brother’s Murder Case for sh6m Bribe!!!

By Insight Post Uganda Florence Namujju, a relative to the murdered fisherman identified as Fred Ntambi has lately come out with contradictory statements concerning the death of his brother.  Ntambi, who was a resident of Kizaala-Buganda Cell in Katosi Town Council, Mukono District, was attacked, tortured and murdered on March 23, 2023. The murder was […]

Woman Stabs Born-Again Pastor to Death over Church Noise Pollution

Fear on Thursday gripped residents of Kyankima Cell in Kasangati Town Council, Wakiso district after a murder incident which involved a woman stabbing to death a Born-Again Pastor. The suspect has been identified as Bushirah Nekesa whereas the deceased is Pr. Julius Wamala of Pure Heart Miracle Centre. It is alleged that after stabbing Wamala […]

42-Year-Old Son Kills Own Mother Over sh75,000 SAGE Money

The Police in Masaka City are holding a 42-year-old son who allegedly strangled his 87-year-old mother to death. Twaha Kasirye, the Police spokesperson for Masaka region identified the suspect as Joseph Kasibante and the deceased as Birigo Namaganda who has been a resident of Kimaanya B Cell in Kimaanya-Kibonera Division, Masaka City. Kasibante was arrested together with […]